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Home >  China History > Tiananmen Square Incident Pictures Released by Chinese Government in 1989

"1989 Tiananmen Square Incident" Pictures Show
What happened before and after June 3, 1989 at Tiananmen Square?
-- Pictures released by Chinese government after the incident
(Source: The Beijing Riot - A Photo Record by New Star Publishers, Beijing 1989)

Important Note: The picture show is for your informational purpose only, and does NOT reflect the view and stand of or any of its affiliates.

Pictures: 1989 Tiananmen Square Incident






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Comments from visitors:
-- The pictures are a grim reminder of what happens when people want to express a very fundamental right—to be free. The language describing the events is so obvious in its ONESIDEDNESS that it is almost funny. Now the Photos are PROPANGANDA BUT THEY STILL TELL A TRUTH IN THE PICTURES THEMSELVES. (Declan (Australia)
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