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Home Chinese Cities and Province Information Guizhou

China City and Province Information
Guizhou Province

Guizhou Basics

location of Guizhou province
 Location of Guizhou Province

Area:    176,167 square km
Population:    38.56 million (2022)
Capital City:    Guiyang
Local Time  
Coordinates:    24°37'-29°13'N  103°36'-109°35'E
Geography of Guizhou
Guizhou Province, "Qian" or "Gui" for short, is situated in the
south-western part of China. The Province covers an area of over
176,167 square kilometres and has population of more than 38.56 million (2022),  there are total of 49 nationalities live in Guizhou, including Han, Yao, Miao, Dong, Bouyei, Tujia, Li, Gelao, Sui, Hui, Bai, Zhuang, etc. Guiyang is the capital of the Province.

Guizhou occupies the eastern part of the Yungui Plateau, rising between the Sichuan Basin and Guangxi Basin. The Terrain of Guizhou gradually lowers down eastwards, its western and central part having an attitude of one to two thousand meters above sea level. The river valley area on the south-eastern fringe of the province has an altitude of around 500 meter above sea level. Guizhou has a rugged terrain, with numerous precipitous peaks and deep valleys, as well as extensive karsts formations, caves and underground rivers. Many date-shaped mini-basins scatter around the mountains.

The Dalou Mountains in the northern part of the province forms the borderline of Guizhou. The Wuling Mountains in the north-eastern part of the province abounds in biological resources and has been declared as a key natural preserves of China. The Wumeng Mountains in the west borders Yunnan Province. The Miaoling Mountains in the central part of the province is the watershed between the Changjiang River (Yangtze River) system and Pearl River system. The major rivers flowing through the province are the Wujiang River, the Chishuihe River, the Qingshui River, the Nanpan River (the boundary river between Guizhou and Guangxi), the Beipan River. These rivers have the common features of being wide and open upstream but narrow downstream. They have rich hydraulic resources with their rapid flows of water, shoals and falls.

Climate of Guizhou
Guizhou has a humid monsoon climate of the subtropical zone, with neither severe winter nor hot summer. The average annual temperature of province is between 14ºC-16ºC (57 ºF -61 ºF). The average temperature of January, the coldest month, is between 4ºC-9ºC (39 ºF - 48ºF) and that of July, the warmest month, is between 22ºC-26ºC (72 ºF and 79 ºF). The annual average precipitation of Guizhou is between 900-1500mm. Most of the area in the province have long frost-free period, where two or three cropping system is practiced.
Brief History of Guizhou
Back in the Shang Dynasty, Guizhou was part of Gui-Fang (16th century -11th century B.C). Druing the Xizhou Dynasty the Xizhou Dynasty (11th century-771 B.C), Guizhou was under the administration of Kingdoms of Jing and Chu. In the period of Spring and Autumn and Warring States (771-221 B.C), a number of tribal settlements emerged in Guizhou, the large ones among them being Yelang, Qielan , and so on.

Druing the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C), Qianzhong, Xiang, Ba and Shu prefectures were established in Guizhou. In the Han Dynasty (206 B.C—220 A.D), Guizhou was under the separate and administration of Zangke Prefecture and Wuling Prefecture. Guizhou became Qianzhong Prefecture during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Buzheng Prefecture Administration was established in Guizhou in Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Guizhou Province was set up in the region in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) which has remained unchanged till today.

Resources of Guizhou Guizhou Province
Guizhou abounds in mineral resources, such as mercury, phosphate, aluminium, coal, iron, antimony, lead, zinc and other rare metals.

Guizhou has the largest mercury deposits in the nation hence are known as the home of mercury. Its main grain crops are rice and corn. Such cash crops as flue cured tobacco; rapeseed, tea and hemp are also growing in Guizhou. Guizhou abounds in timber resources and is China's leading grower of China fir. China fir grow in Jinping is renowned throughout the country.

Guizhou Local Cuisine
Braised salamander and Eight Delicacies and Feast of Tianmahan Chicken are famous local dishes with high nutrition. Love Bean Curd Fruit and Bijie Stuffed Dumplings are popular refreshments with diners.
Places of Interest and Tourist Attractions: Guizhou


 Guizhou Useful Links and Sites
Guizhou  Related Article and Report Links
 China's Administrative Divisions
4 Municipalities

23 Provinces

5 Autonomous Regions

2 Special Administrative Regions (SAR)






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