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Home > Chinese People and Society  >  Chinese Ethnic Jino People

Jino People

The Jino nation has a population of 20,899. Most of the Jino are concentrated in the Jinoshan,  a series of mild hills with a wet climate near Mengyang Township in Jinghong Municipality, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province.

The Jino nation is one of the less numerous of the recognized minorities (ethnic group) in China and it is also the last one to be included as "national minority" because they were not recognized until June of 1979.

The name "Jino" means in their language: "Descending from the uncle" (the uncle here indicates mother's brother) what shows that the Jino people lived in a matriarchal society until recent times, in which the maternal uncle's authority was the most important in the family.

 *According to the census in 2000

Pictures: Chinese Ethnic Jino People



a jino uncle
A Jino uncle
(Source: blog on

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> A Jino Family Portrait

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