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Home China Entertainment China Sports  Olympic Nest Construction Pictures

Beijing Tour

Construction of 2008 Olympic "Bird's Nest"
(China National Stadium) 


General Information about the big Olympic "Bird's Nest":

  • China National Stadium (The "Bird's Nest") - will host the main track and field competitions in Beijing, along with the opening and closing ceremonies.

  • The construction of the "Bird's Nest" : Between Dec. 2003 and April 2008

  • Capacity: 80,000 permanent and 11,000 temporary

  • Total Land Surface: 258,000 square meters

  • Opening Ceremony: August 8 (Friday), 2008

  • Closing Ceremony: August 24 (Sunday), 2008

The following 14 pictures were taken by a Chinese photographer whose name is Mr. Xu Xin-qiang. During the past seven years, Mr. Xu took these pictures at the same location --  in the master bed room of his 24th floor apartment near the "bird's nest" construction site. His pictures record the history of construction of the world's largest "bird's nest" -- China National Stadium.  Here we express our sincere thanks to Mr. Xu for giving us the opportunity to experience history of the construction.

The largest "Bird's Nest" in the world - pictures show the construction of the big stadium.
construction pictures of the olympic
construction pictures of the olympic
construction pictures of the olympic
construction pictures of the olympic
construction pictures of the olympic
construction pictures of the olympic
construction pictures of the olympic
construction pictures of the olympic
construction pictures of the olympic
construction pictures of the olympic
construction pictures of the olympic
construction pictures of the olympic
construction pictures of the olympic
construction pictures of the olympic

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