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Home Chinese Cities and Province Information Jilin Province

China Citis and Provinces
Jilin Province

Jilin Province: Jilin Basics

location of Jilin province
Location of Jilin Province

Area:   180,000 square km
Population:   23.47 million (2023)
Capital City:   Changchun
Local Time  
Geography of Jilin Province

Jilin Province is situated in the north-eastern part of China,
bordering Korea in the south and the Soviet Union in the east.
Covering an area of over 180,000 square kilometers, it has a
population of 23.47 million (2023), comprising nationalities of Han, Korea, Manchu, Hui, Mongolian and Xibe. The Capital of Jilin Province is Changchun.

Climate of Jilin Province
Jilin's winter is long and severe. The average temperature in January is between -14ºC (6.8 ºF) and -20C (-1ºF), with the temperature in the Changbai Mountain region being below the average. Summer is usually cool with an average temperature 16ºC (60.8 ºF) and 24ºC (75.2 ºF) in July, while it is cooler in some mountain areas. Spring and autumn are windy with changeable weather. The annual average rainfall ranges from 400mm to 800mm.The "Tianchi" (heavenly Pond) on top of the Changbai Mountain, the southern part of the Tonghua Prefecture and the areas south of the Laoling receive more rain than other places of the province.


Brief History of Jilin Province
Jilin Province was under various administrations in different
historical periods. It was called Donghudi in the Qin Dynasty (221 B.C. - 207 B.C.) and Han Dynasty (206 B.C-220 A.D), under the administration of the Liaoyang Xingzhongshu Province in Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), known as Nuzhendi in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), it became Jilin Province in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). After the Russia-Japanese War of 1904, Japanese imperialists invaded in the north-eastern part of China and established the "Manzhouguo" with Changchun as its "capital". After the victory of the anti-Japanese war, nine provinces were set up in the Northeast. Jilin, Hejiang and Songjiang provinces were proclaimed within the present territory of Jilin Province. A fairy comprehensive industry has been established in the province, including iron and steel, coal, petroleum, electricity, machinery, chemical, textile and light industry. Changchun, the province capital, has become a new industrial city with developed machine-building industry.
Jilin  Local Products
Yushu County in Jilin Province is known as "the Home of Soybean" because of its high yield of soybean. Freshwater fish teems in the Songhua River, the Nenjiang River, the Songhua Lake and the Moon Lake.

The Changbaishan forests abound in mushroom, fungus and many famous and precious and rare medical herbs such as ginseng, deer antler and astragalus. Precious and rare animals like sable, deer, tiger and bear are also found in these forests. Tonghua grape wine, Changbaishan grape wine and Tonghua ginseng tonic are popular throughout the country.

Changchun, the provincial capital, is known for its carpet, embroidery, bark picture and feather patchwork of various styles. Jilin city, which is particularly famous for its bark pictures, and they offer a wide variety of wood products, such as wood carving, wood plate, wood box, stick and furniture. Stone carving and glassware manufactured in Jilin City also have distinctive styles. The image goblet is an example. When the goblet is filled with wine, an image of ancient beauty suddenly appears at the bottom; as the wine pours out, the image soon disappears. Few drinkers are unimpressed by this phenomenon.

Jilin Local Cuisine
The Changchun Restaurant in the Changchun city serves local
refreshments, cold dishes, dumplings, hundun, Jilin-style dishes, Shangdong-style dishes and southern dishes with Sichuan and Jiangsu flavors.

Among the famous dishes prepared by this restaurant, Li Liangui pancake, braised bear's paw, ginseng soup, banquet dishes shark's fin, swallow's nest duck and ginseng velvet ball are popular with diners.

A sample menu of local delicacies in Jilin city includes ginseng chicken cooked in sand pot, steamed white-fish soup, fresh raw fish dish, assorted frog fat, braised bear's paw, clear soup in hot pot, and bean curd bags.

Forest frog which is found in the Jilin mountain areas is popularly known as Hashinma frog. Many years ago, a frog accumulates transparent fat in the ovary. The fat can be cooked into a very nutritious and popular dish because of the high protein, hormone and vitamin content it contains. The assorted frog fat dish, prepared with the frog fat as the main ingredient, is very popular among diners.

The "Changbaishan Treasure Banquet" includes famous dishes with unique local flavors which are prepared by very experienced chefs with special local ingredients like ginseng, bear's paw, venison, Feilong Bird (Flying Dragon Bird) meat, frog fat and monkey-head mushroom, all of which are conveniently available in Changbaishan region. The Feast consists of more than dozen dishes, cold or hot, meat or vegetarian, all prepared with special local ingredients. These dishes are not only praised for beautiful color, pleasant smell and delicious flavor, but also known for their nutrition and tonic value.



 Jilin Useful Information and Links
Tourist Attractions and Hot Spots in Jilin


 China's Administrative Divisions
4 Municipalities

23 Provinces

5 Autonomous Regions

2 Special Administrative Regions (SAR)

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