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China Travel Guide: Jilin
Mt. Changbai ( Changbaishan)


Mt. Changbai (Chang Bai Shan)

Hailed as the northeast China (Jilin Province), the Mt. Changbaishan attracts thousands of visitors every year. Due to its latitude and altitude, it has long and extremely cold winter. Although the onset of spring is evidence in most parts of China after the Chinese Spring Festival, Changbaishan still seems to be in the embrace of ice and snow.

The Mt. Changbaishan at this time is an alabaster world, blanketed with thick ice and snow. The branches and sprays turn white, the valleys are filled to the brim with snow, the famous Tianchi Lake is frozen, and icicles cluster on the great Changbaishan Waterfall, reducing it to a width of 3 to 4 metres. Against the backdrop of ice and snow, the rising vapour from Julongquan Hot Spring, at the foot of the waterfall looks extraordinary.


Endowed with a superb natural environment, the Changbaishan Mountain is the ideal place for snow-related activities. There are about dozen different sking grounds, including the Lesser Tianchi Lake Skiing Grounds and the Hot Spring Skiing Grounds, which captivate groups of skiers in the winter. Speeding through the pine forest on skis offers you thrills, sleigh and motor-riding on the snow make you fairly relaxed, and a bath in the hot spring in the bleak weather requires a bit of courage.

Located 900 meters north of Changbaishan Waterfall, the Julongquan Hot Spring has dozens mouths, which are scattered throughout an area of 1 square km and gush hot water continuously. The temperature fluctuates a little in different sections of the spring, but remains within the scope of 62 to 82 degrees centigrade. An extremely hot spring, the water can cook an egg in 20 minutes. Because of Chemical gases contained in the spring water, the volcanic rocks surrounding the spring are of different colors, including golden, blue, red and green. Favourable elements and minerals in the water bestow the spring medicinal values. Both in the hot spring in cold weather proves to be refreshing and enjoyable.

A visit to the famous Tianchi Lake at the top of the main peak is a must for tourists all year. If you choose the northern round, you will have the chance to appreciate the Heifengkou Pass, well known for its wild whirlwinds. People can hardly stand straight in this wild wind, which sends sand and stones in all directions. The only way to reach the pass is by crawling, yet no one avoids the Hefengkou Pass, as it is the only place where you can have a full view of the magnificent Changbaishan Waterfall.


The trees coated in ice crystals also provide marvellous natural scenery. The damp climate in the Changbaishan mountainous area makes this beautiful scene quite common. Near the Tianchi Lake, the Changbaishan Waterfall, the Julongquan Hot Spring, and the Baihe River, rising vapours condense on rocks and trees, like petals of white flowers. With pieces of ice flowers dropping on your head, a walk through the misty tree is just like wandering through a fairyland.

Although the pace of spring slows down at the food of the Changbaishan Mountain, its arrival is inevitable. Melting snow and rains that flow into the river shove up thick ice layers, which in turn form huge ice steaks floating down the river with thundering noise.

Although spring has arrived, a trace of winter still lingers a bit. The snow and ice on the hillside have melted while the peaks are still all white. Take a stroll around the mountain, and you will find that sometimes your feet will fall on budding grass and sometimes on remaining snow. In this season, the alpine azaleas thrive throughout the valleys and slopes. Their fragrant, creamy flowers form a sharp contrast with the remaining snow and ice.





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